Saturday, July 14, 2012

What is KaSUGI?

It had been more than three weeks that I had not played in a chess tournament. Today, with three other my school mates, I take part in the KaSUGI team chess championship held at Cititel Express Hotel. Actually, there are two categories - Open and Junior. My team takes part in the latter category.

After Round 4, my team is ranked fourth. I am so jealous that my elder brother's team, Undefined FC, is the leader. As you can see in below picture, my score is 2/4 points. Not that good eh. I need to improve my game tomorrow so that I can contribute points to my team.

Round 1

Round 2 against Kedah Jaffolea Jr team

Round 3 versus Selangor Generasi 11 team

Round 4 playing over Selangor Generasi 10 team

Wish me luck!